
Tuesday 13 March 2012

Healthy Eating Tips for Breakfast

"Breakfast literally means 'breaking the fast' - it provides the body with the energy and nutrients it needs after a long over-night fast. It's generally recommended that breakfast should provide one-quarter of your day's nutritional requirements and its been found that people who eat breakfast tend to be happier and better able to concentrate during the morning," says Todd Donnelly, GetFit's resident nutritionist.
"Breakfast eaters have higher intakes of essential vitamins and minerals than breakfast skippers and a high fibre breakfast can improve energy levels and mood. Many breakfast cereals are fortified with essential B vitamins, iron and calcium, and are an important source of these nutrients in many people's diets".
"Its also been shown that people who eat breakfast tend to be slimmer than those who skip breakfast". Todd adds.

Common Myths and Misconceptions

  • "Skipping breakfast helps with weight loss" - eating breakfast stimulates the metabolism and gets the body burning calories efficiently. Skipping breakfast therefore hinders weight loss.
  • "I don't have time to eat breakfast" - preparing and eating a bowl of cereal takes less than 5 minutes in the morning and will provide you with great benefits. Can you not afford to find 5 minutes to benefit from eating breakfast?
  • "I don't need breakfast". Not true - you wouldn't expect a car to run without petrol and equally you cannot expect your body to run without fuel. Your body and mind will both work better during the morning after a breakfast is consumed.
  • "Skipping breakfast does not matter - I can make up the missed nutrients later". This is not true - the nutrients, vitamins and minerals missed at breakfast are not made up later in the day - people who skip breakfast have a less nutritious diet than those who eat this important meal.
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