
Monday 23 April 2012

Thinking about summer Swimsuits

Oh boy, here comes the summer. At GetFit.com we love the sun, but aren’t too keen on the swimsuit stress that is on the Horizon.

Like everything in the health coach program, we believe that planning is so important if you want to achieve a goal either for your health or wellbeing. So this week we are thinking about the small steps that you can put in place to hit the pool, beach, park or sundeck without that niggling feeling that it would be better if there was a little less of you to be exposing…..

Basically we’ve whipped around the office and come to the conclusion that there are three ways to address this stress.

Method 1: Avoid any event that might include swimming or people who are likely to whip of their clothes and sun worship…… We’ve decided while this sounds good, it then cuts out all the places and people we like in the summer

GetFit.com rating: 1/10

Method 2: Accentuate the good, boost your confidence and think positive……

We like this method, as what goes on inside will show on the outside. No matter how your look, if you’re worried and feeling shy, your face will be wrinkled and your posture will be slumped over. This does not help with your outward appearance; you’ll also be less relaxed and “emotionally turned in”.

Ask yourself what do I like most about my physical appearance, and what will help me accentuate it? For example if your eyes are a feature you like, then sunglasses might not be the way to feel your best, however a fashionable hat with matching outfit might be the perfect way to stand out and feel comfortable.

GetFit.com rating: 7/10

Method 3: Accept what you can and can’t change, then work on what is reasonable……

Some people (myself included) are just not suited to skimpy… frankly revealing swimsuits. But regardless of size or shape some things can always be improved.

Aim 1 - Posture Perfect: With a great posture, you look taller, more confident and friendlier.

Aim 2 – Proportion: if top and bottom are more balanced, then differences between body parts will be less extreme. So (maybe counter-intuitively) toning on chest, shoulders and arms may be a really important part of balancing when the lower areas of the body are a concern

Aim 3 – Belly and Back: Closely related to posture, it’s not just how you hold your self, but how your body holds you. There are some specific exercises for the natural belt of muscle that holds everything in – read our tweets for some of these!

Aim 4 – General fitness: Having a healthy sheen rather than a panting sweaty mess can really increase your confidence about your body in general. This will reduce the stress when it comes to the “swimsuit event”…

GetFit.com rating: 8/10

In practice a combination of method 2 and 3 has got the GetFit.com Summer Seal of approval. So watch out for this week’s tweets around how to put method 2 and 3 into practice for BOTH GENDERS!

To help you get started now, before the pressure starts mounting we’re offering 50% off membership at getfit.com This includes a full health and wellbeing report, and programs to tackle fitness, healthy eating, a good night’s sleep, and challenging that thoughts that can kill your confidence… just enter the code “SUMMER” at the checkout.

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